Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Women are Three Dimensional

E has inspired me once again in a way that only E can do :] She sent me this article

which I advise you take the five minutes to read instead of skimming over it like it is always so tempting to do. Readdyyyy, go!

All right. At first, I loved it. Really did. I was like, yay! "Plain" girls getting noticed! Femininity and sexuality come in all shapes and sizes! And then I started to think. All shapes and sizes. So then, why are the stereotypically pretty girls automatically written off? If I were to go out clubbing (as I've only done once and it was a total disaster, which included E, P and C) then I'd definitely dress up! Put on those uncomfortable glass slippers the writer harps on and on about and do my hair and put on a freak 'em dress, etc. Now, I don't consider any of my friends plain. I think they're all unbelievably stunning (which could be a testament to their awesome personalities as well as genetics. who knows) but even if one of them put on flats because they're easier to dance in and a more comfortable outfit, that doesn't mean they're automatically more interesting or less pretty than I am. Yes, people, especially women, express themselves through their clothing. I sure as hell do. But you cannot immediately assume one girl is a snobby, self-satisfied bitch who only drug the other, less vibrant but also more intellectual girl along because she'd make her, the bitch, look better. This is just another example of men compartmentalizing women into neat, one dimensional categories so it's easier for them to pick from the grand selection of pussy set out for them. Okay, okay. This guy really is looking for something special. For someone of substance to have a conversation that may lead to a meaningful relationship with. But who's to say the "prettier" girl can't give him that? Why can't women be fashionable and intelligent? Primped and intriguing? The writer seems to be trying to live by the whole don't-judge-a-book-by-it's-cover mantra but is instead perpetuating it by discriminating against girls with fake tans and boob jobs. You know what? Maybe that beauty pageant pretty girl is a feminist who just likes the way she looks in that dress or with that nose job? It doesn't have to be because society told her to surgically perfect herself or because she's trying to please some guy. It is possible for a girl to look good for herself, not for a condescending male who's trying really hard to appeal to feminists. But feminists shouldn't be about putting down the mainstream form a pretty to make themselves feel better. We should be about lifting up all women of literally all shapes and sizes, including 00 and enlarged bra sizes. No one second guesses a hot male brain surgeon's intelligence if his face is symmetrical and he has well fitted pants. Why do we have to immediately label all conventionally pretty girls uninteresting? This article really frustrated me because this guy is trying to read into people's souls just by judging what they're wearing. Dude. It's a dress that makes my ass look good while pop lockin' and droppin' it on girls' night out. Calm the fuck down.

xxo taylor.

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