Wednesday, January 23, 2013


So. I am feeling extremely awesome. I have had pretty much the best day ever. I woke early and went on a run, got to take my time getting ready, therefore looking extra-fabulous, went to class, had lunch with A, did some homework, took a nap, dinner with G, and now I am freaking out on tumblr with all of my lady crushes/hot body inspirations. So of course I decided to write a blog post, as I always do during my random internet sprees. This post is the beginnings of an idea that just popped into my head while tumbling, pinteresting, and watching the Colbert Report. This idea is to create a board and use The Secret to make my life more awesome than it already is :] I want to have sexy, independent, and successful women that I admire plastered all over it, to help motivate me to stay active and fabulous. I also am going to put quotes that I love representing how I want to live my life, and then whatever else I ever decide needs to be there. I have had a new revelation that I don't have to hate myself to be "humble" and just because I feel confident and sexy doesn't mean I'm being vain or think I'm better than other people because of it. Also, feeling sexy doesn't mean that's the only part about myself that I love. I think attractive women get a bad rap and their intelligence gets dismissed because they dress sexy and know about what foundation is best for their skin type. I wish society could see that women are able to be sexy and smart and funny and oh wait that's Tina Fey... Anyway. I'm basically just rambling now, letting my brain kind of just shoot at the screen so I'm going to end this before I proceed to tell you how sexy women can save the world which is exactly what I want to do in Africa I HAVE TO STOP MYSELF NOW. Okay. So! I am going to start collecting pictures, and this post is going to be devoted to all the sexy and fabulous ladies that inspire me. Enjoy :]

So, of course, the Goddess herself. My boyfriend put up with a very dramatic breakdown of mine over winter break, one of the many reasons he's the bomb dot com. This breakdown had to do with the seven-ten pound gain I experienced and other pretty girls etc. and he told me "You can't expect to look like super models, look to Beyoncé and Scarlet Johansen, because y'all have the same body type." So yeah, he's perfect. Anyway, this is one of the reasons I'm using Bey as one of my inspirations. And, she's a fuckin diva.

The afore mentioned Tina Fey is, of course, sexy, funny, and smart. The trifecta. My friend A says I am Liz Lemon because I'm secretly really disgusting. Deal bitches.

So basically this is how I see E and myself in forty years. Fabulous, sexy, successful, and takin selfies.

It makes me really sad that JLaw is mostly known for Hunger Games because she is genuinely a superb and diverse actress. And she won't lose ridiculous amounts of weight for roles, which I really really really respect.

Katy Perry is just gorgeous and boobs.

Another phenomenal actress :] and she's super sexy, duh.

Of course, Bey again because god just look at her she is perfection.

And to finish off, these two perfect ladies owning the label of bitch. Cause bitches get shit done.

Stay sassy, my fellow divas.

xxo taylor

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