Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Daddy's Girl

Two posts in one night?!! I've gotta make up for lost time here :] So today in my english class we had something my glorious and wonderful teacher Mrs. Wickersham calls Polonius day. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Polonius gives advice to his son Laertes before he sets out on a journey, and it's pretty good advice. So Mrs. Wickersham wrote letters to all of our parents and asked for them to write each of us letters with their own advice since we're all about to go off to college. Isn't she marvelous? (She also gave us her own list of good advice :]) Needless to say, there were many tears and much sharing and it was an all around fabulous day. I really would like to share the letter my father wrote me because it was so beautiful and spoke to me so deeply. (my mother's did as well, but maybe that'll be in another post :] ) So! Here are some experts from my letter from my father that most spoke to me.

      My Dearest Taylor Kaye:
            ...Your Emotional Quotient is high... You can get lost in the weight of human suffering- don't do that. Share joy and comfort sorrow; but, be kindest to yourself.

           ...Pray for safety, pray for happiness, pray for health and pray for the ability to live your life with ease. Pray these things for yourself first, then for those you love, then for those you like and finally and most importantly, for your perceive enemies. It works.

          Strive for Enlightenment. ... Never settle. I didn't and look what I got- the woman of my dreams and a family that brings me joy every day.

                                                                           Love you,

Phew! I got teary eyed again just typing those parts up! My father and I have an amazingly close relationship. Actually, I'm very close with both my parents. But my dad understands my struggle with emotion more than my mom does because he's who I get it from. When I say struggle with emotion I mean that I feel things very deeply. Not just my own emotions but for other people as well. If you've ever read Secret Life of Bees then you'll remember the character of May. The twin who is no longer a twin because her sister died, who gets emotional over a squashed cockroach. I am much like May, though to a lesser extent because I am not a literary figure. My daddy and I often have talks about how to deal with my potent emotions and his recently turning to Buddhism has really helped me to find inner peace and acceptance of who I am. He and my mother have raised me incredibly well and I am a little terrified to leave them, but know that they have prepared me accordingly for the world. I would be no where near the same person I am today without their guidance and ever-present, unconditional love. I will forever be grateful for the person they have helped mold me into and hope I can continue to make them proud with my life decisions. This was kind of a random post but I was feeling like reminiscing so I took advantage of my blog :] Good night and sweet dreams! Go hug your parents.

xxo taylor


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